IMPD sergeant arrested on 12 child porn charges

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — A 12-year member of the Indianapolis police department was arrested Monday in connection to the “exploitation of children through pornography,” the chief says.

Sgt. Javed Richards of Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department was arrested on 12 preliminary felony counts of child exploitation, the department said Monday. The Marion County Prosecutor’s Office said Monday afternoon that formal charges have not yet been filed.Gay porno

Richards recently was assigned to the department’s internal affairs unit. 

Police Chief Chris Bailey suspended Richards pending a recommendation of termination to the IMPD Civilian Police Merit Board. A public information officer for the department confirmed Richards was suspended without pay, and was in custody at the Marion County jail.

An Internet Crimes Against Children detective on Aug. 6 received a cybertip from The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, an IMPD news release issued Monday said. The national clearinghouse for missing and exploited children alerts law enforcement to material uploaded or download of sexually exploited children on the internet.

On Tuesday, the detectives received evidence that an internet protocol address came back to a personal home router with the same name as a current IMPD officer, the release said. On Friday, a detective received more evidence from search warrants and confirmed the alleged suspect was an IMPD officer. Detectives from IMPD’s special investigation unit then joined the investigation.

Details about what investigators found were not included in the news release.

IMPD Chief Chris Bailey issued a statement.

“I am profoundly shocked and disturbed by the allegations involving an IMPD officer. His alleged actions constitute a betrayal of the sacred oath we take to protect and serve our community. These actions do not reflect the character of the brave men and women who serve Indianapolis with integrity and dedication every day.

“The exploitation of children through pornography is an unimaginable crime that inflicts lasting harm on our most vulnerable. I commend the unwavering dedication of our detectives in the Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Unit. Their efforts in investigating, prosecuting, and formulating responses to these heinous crimes ensure that those who prey on children are held accountable.”

Suspected child abuse and neglect can be reported to the Indiana Department of Child Services’ Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline at 800-800-5556.

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — A 12-year member of the Indianapolis police department was arrested Monday in connection to the “exploitation of children through pornography,” the chief says. Sgt. Javed Richards of Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department was arrested on 12 preliminary felony counts of child exploitation, the department said Monday. The Marion County Prosecutor’s Office said Monday afternoon that formal charges have not yet been filed. Richards recently was assigned to the department’s internal affairs unit.  Police Chief Chris Bailey suspended Richards pending a recommendation of termination to the IMPD Civilian Police Merit Board. A public information officer for the department confirmed Richards was suspended without pay, and was in custody at the Marion County jail. An Internet Crimes Against Children detective on Aug. 6 received a cybertip from The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, an IMPD news release issued Monday said. The national clearinghouse for missing and exploited children alerts law enforcement to material uploaded or download of sexually exploited children on the internet. On Tuesday, the detectives received evidence that an internet protocol address came back to a personal home router with the same name as a current IMPD officer, the release said. On Friday, a detective received more evidence from search warrants and confirmed the alleged suspect was an IMPD officer. Detectives from IMPD’s special investigation unit then joined the investigation. Details about what investigators found were not included in the news release. IMPD Chief Chris Bailey issued a statement. “I am profoundly shocked and disturbed by the allegations involving an IMPD officer. His alleged actions constitute a betrayal of the sacred oath we take to protect and serve our community. These actions do not reflect the character of the brave men and women who serve Indianapolis with integrity and dedication every day. “The exploitation of children through pornography is an unimaginable crime that inflicts lasting harm on our most vulnerable. I commend the unwavering dedication of our detectives in the Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Unit. Their efforts in investigating, prosecuting, and formulating responses to these heinous crimes ensure that those who prey on children are held accountable.” Suspected child abuse and neglect can be reported to the Indiana Department of Child Services’ Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline at 800-800-5556.

